ACTORS GYM, LLC is a registered trademark©

For those actors who are serious about taking it to the next level!

Commercial Audition Class  

Master your levels of focus and confidence in commercial auditions, on the set and beyond!

At an audition how are your interview, improvisation and cold read skills?

According to casting directors, there is a growing need for actors with strong commercial improvisation skills. In fact, many breakdowns read “strong improv skills a must.” Most commercial auditions don’t always consist of reading large volumes of copy where the actor gets to show his or her great “acting” ability.

For consistent success in commercials, the actor will be required to be reasonably good at doing certain activities “consciously,” that they are usually excellent in the outside world, “unconsciously.” Activities such as eating and not having a mouth full of food on your line, driving an imaginary car, looking out of the sunroof for address numbers on top of a skyscraper building, and at the same time entering information into the navigation system while talking on the cell phone, and of course remembering that you are driving a car, so you must look out of the window often enough so you won’t crash! And yes, it must look real.


On-camera with -  


Teleprompter experience

Cue cards

How to interpret and read commercial copy and make sense!

Improv - how to think precisely and respond correctly in Improv situations.

The correct approach to slating and personality interviewing.
How to feel “comfortable in your own skin” in front of the camera and producers.
How to stand out in an audition while performing with difficult actors.
How to graduate from the training mindset to the trusting mindset in auditions and so much more!

There will be no doubt in your mind that you can pass any “test” given to you at auditions because you will know with certainty that you have been equipped with the tools necessary to be absolutely outstanding at commercial auditions. You will impress the decision makers and bookings are sure to follow!

Be sure to bring your head shot and resume for an evaluation if applicable.

Classes are are all held live at the Actors Gym Studio. If you have concerns and would like to sign up and join via Zoom please contact our office at

203-804-7870 and inform us and we will make arrangements to get you connected.

Starting Thursday (s) June 19, 202513

6 sessions

7:00 - 9:30

Class size 12

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Classes held at The Actors Gym Studio

3013 Dixwell Ave.,  Hamden, CT 

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